What’s New  In Window Coverings

What’s New In Window Coverings

By PAMELA QUIRINALE While the image of a carefree, beach-style dream home—with an endless supply of sunny windows—may be the dream of many Cape Cod residents, the fact is that homeowners will eventually need, and/or want, window coverings. This could be simply for...
December Holiday Favorites

December Holiday Favorites

Many thanks to grade four students at the Oak Ridge, Bournedale, Mullen Hall and Teaticket Schools for sharing with us some of their favorite things about the December holidays. My favorite thing is that on Christmas night my mom lets me open two of her presents....
Gifts For Dads

Gifts For Dads

By RICH MACLONE Every couple of Christmases I will dig into the past and make my father laugh while opening up his gifts. When I was a teenager he and I would crack up while listening to Eddie Murphy wax poetic about how fathers got the short end of the stick on...