The Woods Hole  Film Festival  Turns 30

The Woods Hole Film Festival Turns 30

By JOANNE BRIANA-GARTNER Think back. Think back to a time before digital. Before computers. Before e-mail. Think back to a time when movies were shown in 35 millimeter—in movie theaters. Think back to a time when nobody knew what film festivals were. That is the era...
Why Weddings Honor Floral Traditions

Why Weddings Honor Floral Traditions

By CHRISTINE LYNCH A slender bride clutches fragrant herbs as she solemnly approaches the man she would wed. For this ancient Roman bride, those herbs symbolized fidelity and fertility and shielded her from evil spirits. Throughout time, brides have carried flora...
Plan A Day Trip To Martha’s Vineyard

Plan A Day Trip To Martha’s Vineyard

By BECCA LOWRY Who doesn’t love Martha’s Vineyard? It’s beautiful, there’s great food and there’s always something fun to do.  When I recently spent time on Martha’s Vineyard, I immediately went to one of my favorite locations on the Vineyard—the Island Alpaca...
Citizen Science – For Families

Citizen Science – For Families

By CHRISTINE LYNCH While walking along with your child, you hear some shrill alarm-like cries coming from overhead. Looking up, you see the wide wingspan of a soaring bird, and then a little voice asks, “What bird is that?” Most Cape parents are familiar with the...