by oncapemagazine | Jan 2, 2024 | August 2015
By GAIL BLAKELY Photographs by Gene M. Marchand/Enterprise Making fresh cheese at home is one of those do-it-yourself projects that you will find yourself doing again and again once you have mastered the basic technique. The ricotta that comes out of your home...
by oncapemagazine | Dec 8, 2023 | August 2015
By NANNETTE DRAKE OLDENBOURG The temperature outside is below freezing; you’ve opened the tap and no water is coming out of the faucet. Oh, no! You probably have a frozen pipe section (unless your area’s water has been turned off for construction, unlikely in deep...
by oncapemagazine | Sep 29, 2023 | August 2015
By DEBORAH G. SCANLON If you are selling your house, just bought a new one, or simply want to snazz up your present living space, consider painting the interior walls. Changing those living room walls to one of the many new colors available can make a huge difference....
by oncapemagazine | Sep 25, 2023 | August 2015
By CHRISTOPHER KAZARIAN Shorter days and cooler temperatures are not just a sign that tourist season has ended on Cape Cod. It is a sign that fall has arrived. And it is a perfect time to get outdoors and give a little TLC to those trees and plants in your yard so...
by oncapemagazine | Sep 21, 2023 | August 2015
By CARRIE GENTILE An unlucky day of clearing brush in the backyard can lead to rashes, blisters, even swelling, that, in severe cases, requires steroids. The culprit is poison ivy, the ubiquitous and flourishing plant found in backyards, pastures, road sides, along...
by oncapemagazine | Sep 21, 2023 | August 2015
By BETSY LYONS The fall market is here! Taking steps to prepare your home for presentation to a bevy of educated buyers and their agents will help you maximize the selling price, ease the transition of moving and avoid unexpected surprises that result in a lot of...